Workers’ Compensation Injuries

Workers' rights go beyond simply having a safe workplace. Nearly any injury suffered on the job entitles the employee to receive workers' compensation benefits – even if the accident was the worker's fault.

But what benefits are owed?  Must the injured employee return work before they are ready? What if the worker can never return to work?  Must the injured worker be seen by their employer's doctor or can they go to their own physician?  Our experienced workers' compensation attorneys can answer all of these questions and help you navigate the complex claims process.  We get workers' all the benefits to which to they are entitled and make sure the worker rights and best interests are protected.  Our clients see doctors who care about their health and are not forced to return to work before they are healthy.  

Compensable work-place injuries include:

  • Spinal cord injuries including herniated discs and nerve damage

  • Traumatic brain injuries

  • Scars, burns and disfigurement

  • Neck, back and other musculoskeletal sprains and strains

  • Carpel tunnel syndrome and other repetitive use injuries

  • Chronic pain syndromes including RSD, CRPS and fibromyalgia

  • Even heart attacks may be compensable work injuries

Third Party Claims
Many workplace injuries also involve dangerous machinery, conditions or the fault of other parties besides the workers' employers.  Our attorney are trained to identify all causes of action involved in an injury, allowing our clients to receive additional compensation.  that can cause massive injuries that disable or kill their victims.